Summer Book Club
Our SSEF Summer Book Club enrolled students from Dunwoody Springs, High Point and Ison Springs Elementary schools. SSEF employed teachers to lead the clubs for six weeks. Students met virtually to discuss the book of the week and participate in related activities. In Summer of 2023, 85% of students maintained or increased reading levels and 82% increased reading levels. This exceeded the program's goals. Club members were invited to two pizza party celebrations, where SSEF awarded graphic novels and other books as prizes. This program serves 48 students at a cost of $189 per student annually. Tap here to sign up to volunteer.
Mini Libraries
This program offers students from pre-K through high school access to a diverse selection of high-quality books to enjoy and keep. For many of these students, owning books at home is a luxury they don't have. Mini Libraries aims to bridge this gap by providing easy access to reading materials to help foster a love for reading and nurture lifelong reading habits. We place portable, free-standing, newspaper-type dispensaries and indoor bookshelves in strategic locations at six elementary, one middle and two high schools. Volunteers collect donations, sort books and fill the dispensaries with nationally recognized, "approved reading" books. The program also provides incentives for students in SSEF programs and includes evening school events with parents. At these events, students receive books to take home with them. Mini Libraries distributes about 12,000 books a year. This program serves 7,000 students annually and is funded with in-kind donations. The cost of the program to run is $1 per student, not including in-kind donations.
Would you or your organization like to host a book drive to benefit SSEF's Mini Libraries program? Learn more!
If you'd like to donate age-appropriate books in good used or new condition for pre-K through 12th grade, contact our Program Director, Beppie Lever, [email protected]. She will arrange the most convenient way for you to pass along the books.
Author Connection
Our Author Connection program brings authors into schools to speak with students about their work. For example, author/illustrator Laura Freeman visited 30 AVID students at Ridgeview and 45 Sandy Springs Charter Middle students for Black History Month, Julie Freeman visited 55 Spalding students for Read Across America, Oriel Selver visited 79 Lake Forest Elementary students as part of our partnership with Building Talent Foundation to promote females in construction. Danny Schnitzlein visited 28 Summer Book Club students and their families. SSEF surveyed students at all author visits. Many students had never met an author prior to the event and this program witnessed an increase at each visit in the number of students mentioning that they were considering being an author or illustrator after hearing the speaker. This program served 237 students at an annual cost of $8.00 per student. Tap here to inquire about volunteering.
SSEF assumed program management this year of this podcast program at North Springs High School to include students beyond those in the journalism class. VOX ATL is a teen-driven, nonprofit organization committed to uplifting the voices of youth from diverse backgrounds across metro Atlanta. This endeavor seeks to create a strong, equitable community by fostering leadership and uncensored self-expression among teens. The program is funded by North Springs and Sandy Springs Together. This year, 18 students participated at a cost of $8.00 per student.
Reading Buddies
Reading Buddies provides meaningful relationships with caring adults to help children foster positive feelings about reading. Research shows this type of program can improve motivation, self-confidence and reading skills for children. Orientation, support and training are provided for volunteers. Once per week, volunteers at Spalding Drive Elementary, Ison Springs Elementary, Lake Forest Elementary and Dunwoody Springs Elementary Schools read to chosen students for 30 minutes. SSEF purchases books suitable for participants. This program serves 83 students at an annual cost per student of $69.00. Learn how you can volunteer for this meaningful program!

Testimonials from Reading Buddies Mentors
Dear Yuri,
Missing your celebration today makes me sad. Being your Reading Buddy this past year makes me happy. Our time together has been very special to me. When we first meet last September, we were both a bit shy with one another. As we spent time together, I watched you grow more comfortable and confident with your reading. I remember the day so visibly when you told me with a great pride in your voice, that you had moved into a new reading group. WOW! I remember also when you shared that you successfully took care of your “egg family” for an entire week! Another WOW! I am confident in your ability as you move into the 3rd grade and beyond. You will conquer each new challenge, including the Milestone Tests, as you continue to grow and learn. Keep reading – all sorts of books. As you said at our last Reading Buddy meeting, reading allows you to learn new things. Keep up the good work. I’ll be silently rooting for you, wherever both of us end up. Thank you.
Carroll Myers, Reading Buddy
I've really enjoyed reading with Kevin this year. He is interested in such a variety of books, both fiction and nonfiction, especially ones about animals. Kevin is doing a great job of sounding out new words and making predictions. He especially enjoyed a book about a boy in the United States writing to his cousin in Mexico, where they compared their lives and hoped to visit each other someday. He could really relate, as he had cousins in Mexico! I'm so glad I got to know such a friendly boy as Kevin.
Fran Kilts, Reading Buddy
I started off this year missing my original buddy who was out sick, so I read with Cristian as a substitute. In the following weeks I read with Yarrell until he moved to NY, and we enjoyed reading together and talking about his possible move. I will say it has been a joy jumping over and reading with Cristian. He has a really good heart and I think he was just more excited about reading with me. Cristian was very good at reading the stories and talking about the pictures and laughing with me about the pictures and story lines. His favorite author is definitely Dr. Suess! My only regret this round is I missed too many weeks due to work, but no matter what Cristian was motivated and happy to read with me during this program. I think he enjoyed reading soo much sometimes he would forget to eat his lunch and I would have to tell him to eat.
Tim Bonenberger, Reading Buddy (SSEF Board Member)
Andrew and I have agreed on a number of items during our time together. One of the most important is our very high regard for the Lamborghini automobile! Andrew and I both want to own one someday. In addition, Andrew has demonstrated two capabilities. The first is the capacity to listen and the other is the capacity to read. It has been a pleasure to meet Andrew and share these hours with hm.
Jim McDonald, Reading Buddy
We loved Lemonade War! It was our favorite book. Tyana is a wonderful mathematician and she dazzled me with all of her knowledge. It was nice for me to have a little Buddy who is a girl. We talked a lot about school, friends and Ridgeview Middle School. I know she is going to do great! I enjoyed meeting and working with Tyana very much!
Leann McClendon, Reading Buddy
It has been an amazing honor to spend time with my “Buddy,” Ashley, reading together. Actually when she smiles (which she does often) that is all it takes to make me glad to be with her. I sometimes forget that I am supposed to be encouraging her to enjoy reading, when she is really encouraging me to enjoy life and the time we share reading.
Alice Nelson, Reading Buddy